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Episode 4 Broken Man Radio

Episode 4 Broken Man Radio

 This week we had a great show! Janet Phelan was our guest for a majority of the time. Janet is an investigative journalist that was ousted by the mainstream media and has done a great deal of research on chemical and biological weapons being kept by our country without our knowledge. Janet is also well versed on foreign issues such as the looming Iran/Israeli war. We had a great discussion on a variety of subjects, and we hope to make Janet a regular guest as Broken Man Radio grows. Chris Coffman called in to recap later on and Johnny announced a schedule change for the show. Check the schedule regularly at for changes! Thanks to all that listened live and that will download this show! Go to for more info on her projects!


Janet Phelan

Broken Man Radio

About Broken Man Radio

Broken Man Radio is a new venture by Johnny English designed to bring you, the listener, a little closer to the truth. Mainstream media are not telling the whole story. We do our best to provide guests and their information to you unbiased and unedited. Live weekly on!

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