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Episode 1 Broken Man Radio

Episode 1 Broken Man Radio

This marked Johnny’s return to live radio. The first episode was supposed to be on Orion Talk Radio but there was an issue getting him logged into their server. After spending some time talking about his frustrations over the whole deal, Johnny decided it was best he stayed with and just do the show there. Starting October 23rd Broken Man Radio will be live on Tuesdays 6-8pm EST and Fridays 7-9pm EST ! Johnny brought in Chris Coffman, who revealed some new information on Mark Dice and his latest rants. We decided collectively Mark is all about the money and fame, not the “movement” he was claiming to be a part of. 


Frank Castle from Heistclick called in to share his thoughts on the Dice situation and to let us know how things went at Liberty Fest held earlier in NYC. Frank got us into several subjects and always “brings it” when he calls in! The last segment of the show, Chris described his dealings with Monsanto and farming. We urge you to vote YES on PROP 37 if you live in California on November 6th! 


Thanks to all that listened live and that downloaded the show!

Broken Man Radio

About Broken Man Radio

Broken Man Radio is a new venture by Johnny English designed to bring you, the listener, a little closer to the truth. Mainstream media are not telling the whole story. We do our best to provide guests and their information to you unbiased and unedited. Live weekly on!

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